One thought on “Practical advice for worship leaders and the 60/20/20 rule”
I love intentionality… Actively trying to learn the best ways to engage.
I’m a 20, dad a 60. He’s proof you CAN engage the 60.
Clapping on the wrong beat is so distracting to me… But in Swazilsnd that’s the norm!
I hate words being late to the screen like they say.
And if you have a drummer, nothing thrills like a snappy smart finish to the song..I get so proud of the worship leaders when that happens!
Love you!
I love intentionality… Actively trying to learn the best ways to engage.
I’m a 20, dad a 60. He’s proof you CAN engage the 60.
Clapping on the wrong beat is so distracting to me… But in Swazilsnd that’s the norm!
I hate words being late to the screen like they say.
And if you have a drummer, nothing thrills like a snappy smart finish to the song..I get so proud of the worship leaders when that happens!
Love you!